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The CKCS Club - The UK parent club

Cavaliers.co.uk - CKCS in the UK with Ch show results & show  photos, regularly updated

The American Kennel Club - Across the seas from the UK

American Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Club- The AKC Parent Club for CKCS

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club - The CKCSC in the USA

ForestCreek Cavaliers - Great  Cavalier site in Louisiana

Brookhaven Cavaliers - Madison, Georgia. Brenda Martz & Paula Ayers active breeders-owners within the Cavalier community

Buddes.co.uk - Pet insurance from Buddies - a leading UK pet insurance supplier

Pataleys.co.uk - Patty and Hayley Fulcher, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in the UK

Revanskennel.uw.hu - Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (Breeds & Shows) in Hungary

well-gel.com/ - An aloe vera GEL for dogs & cats // also a cleanse & condition SHAMPOO
